Thursday, October 1, 2009

Chapter 5 mr.chips

Chapter 5
When Chips, dreaming through the hours at Mrs. Wickett's, recollect those days, he used to look down at his feet and wonder which one of it wa_s tr had performed so single a service. That, the.frivial.cause of so many mom'eftto happenings, w,as the one thing of which details eVaded him. But he re-saw t yglorious hump of the Gable (he had never visited the. Lake District since), a the mouse grey depths of Wastwater under th&'Sfcrees; he could re-smell t washed air after heavyjain, and re-follow t)je ribbon of the pass across to i Head. So clearly it, that time of

She had no parents and was married from the house of an aunt in Ealing.. On the night before the wedding, when Chips left the house to *eturn to his hotel, she said,
This is an occasion, youknow - this last farewell of ours, I feelrather like a new boy beginning his firstterm with you. Not scared, mind you - butjust, for once, in a thoroughly respectfulmood. Shall I call you 'sir* - or would 'Mr.Chips' be the right thing? 'Mr. Chips,' Ithink. Good-bye, then - Good-bye, Mr,Chips "
(A hansom clop-dopping in the roadway; green pale gas lamps flickering on a wet pavement; newsboys shouting something about South Africa; Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street)
"Good-bye, Mr. Chips "

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